The cats made their way quickly to the meeting place under the church ruins. They knew Lavender was back with news of the outside world. Most of the cats had never been outside the boundaries of this colony, except when seeking a mate, so were always eager to hear stories of the King's travels.
This day however, all could see that Lavender was very concerned as he paced around and around. His guards had taken up spots on top of the walls and were watching the neigboring woodlands very intently. What was happening? What was coming their way?
Lavender told the cats briefly of his journey into Nottingham. He told them of the strange dark stillnes in the streets, then the awful sound of air raid sirens howling in the night. He spoke of the dreadful droning sound the enemy aircraft made and the even more terrible whistling, screaming cries of the bombs as they fell out of the sky. He spoke of ruined homes and destroyed buildings and of innocent humans and creatures bleeding and terrified in the streets.
There was no place for cats to hide from this dreadful danger. For many generations, free cats had known about the caves under the city of Nottingham and had claimed the dark caverns as their dens. Now, they were being forced out of their homes as thousands of humans descended to the caves every night, to find shelter from the bombings. Still worse, spoke Lavender, was the plight of the cats who had chosen to make their homes with humans. Many of these cats were being left behind locked doors to fend for themselves when the enemy bombers flew over.
Many cats who lived with humans were starving, not because of their human's cruelty, but because there was not enough food these days. Cats were being taken in motor vehicles and dropped off outside the city limits to fend for themselves. Other cats had been left behind completely, as their humans fled the cities and moved to safer places.
We are very lucky here in Whiteflower Field. We must to do what we can to keep ourselves safe and help those less fortunate, Lavender declared. So, this is what I propose we do. I have called on George, my trusty first friend, to be in charge of patrolling our boundaries and guarding our dens from wild creatures who want to take them from us. He will need volunteers to increase the watches. Those of you who wish to assist, please come forward. Penchance and Lavender were pleased to see many of the younger males come forward.
Well done, said Lavender. Now we must also put together a rescue party to come with me into the city to find homeless or helpless cats and bring them to the safety of our colony. Bella, I want you to be leader of this group. Me, squeaked Bella, before she could stop herself. I know nothing about cities, or rescue missions. Yes, you my Bella, confirmed Penchance. Many of these lost and homeless cats in the city are little more than kittens and will need the comforting presence of female cats. You have proven to me that your mothering instinct is strong. You are brave and have the memories of many brave cats before you. I know you will succeed in this.
Those of you who leave the colony have an important job to do, reminded Penchance, but those of us who stay behind have an equally valuable role to play. Our job is to make comfortable dens for these new cats we expect to join our colony and to make sure their is an ample food supply available for all of us. We will also be providing safety and comfort to cats who do not wish to remain with us forever, but simply seek a safe haven for a short while, on their journey to their new homes.
Then this is settled. Bella, please choose no more than five brave and kind cats to make the journey to the City with you under my guidance. We leave at sunset tomorrow. Penchance I trust the care of our families is safely in your hands. George's team will secure the colony's boundaries and all the rest of you are responsible for making this colony a safe new home for those who return with us. Now there is much to do. And very little time to do it.
Saturday, December 15
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